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Drawings and Plans

Complete drawings for the Mini-IMP are now available.  The drawing file comes in a 2 inch, 3-ring binder and  includes several hundred pages of drawings and written material printed on 8 ½ X 11 paper.  In addition, a limited number of 11” x 17” drawings are included in the drawing file.  All drawings are printed by permanent printing so that they will not fade or dim with time or exposure to light.  The drawing file includes one large 36” x  48” sheet of 30 full size patterns.  These can be traced directly to suitable form blocks, or trim patterns by means of a dressmaker’s pattern tracing wheel obtainable at any department store yardage counter.  The drawing file includes a very detailed Bill of Materials.  Every single nut, bolt, screw, part, or piece required for the construction of your Mini-IMP is included in this Bill of Materials (BM).  Each drawing sheet properly refers to the BM part numbers, and BM suitably refers to the drawing on which on which a part or piece of material is used.  The drawing instructions include full details on rigging the aircraft and adjusting it for flying.  Instructions on items such as dealing with the Federal Aviation Administration for licensing, inspections, and maintenance are incorporated.  The drawing file also includes prints of 100 black and white photographs taken during the construction of the prototype.  These photographs provide the builder with additional guidance for the correct fabrication and installation of various Mini-IMP components and assemblies.  A complete set of drawings and patterns are furnished to each licensed builder.

In addition, the drawing set includes a CD-ROM with many additional files and photos from different builders as well as CAD drawings of all "flat-stock" parts in .dxf and .dwg format for the builder to use for layout or laser/waterjet cutting of the parts.

Cutting instructions for optimum utilization of sheet metal are included in the drawing set.  The plans include a list of all tools required, addresses of materials and parts suppliers, drawings for various assembly jigs, plans for a low cost sheet metal “brake” that you can easily build yourself.

Drawings were first published early in the summer of 1976.  The drawings and Builders Manual are undergoing a continuous process of upgrade and improvement.  Check with the plans distributor to ensure that you have the latest updates.


Drawing Quality

The instructions and drawings which are furnished for the builder’s guidance conform to the NASAD (National Association of Sports Aircraft Designers) quality specifications in the AA (Average Amateur) class.


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